
Showing posts from 2021
  I don’t want a funeral. Why are so many autistics introverts, or hate crowds? Because we’re quick learners.   Most of us, unless we live a very sheltered life, are expected to interact and play with other kids from a very young age.   After age two, or so, this takes an ever darker turn for many of us.   We still want to have friends. We still feel the need to be liked.   We still want acceptance.   Instead, what we find from the other kids is violence and being ostracized.   Being around each other is where children learn the unspoken language, body posture, non-verbal clues, status, and for want of a better term, where you are in the pecking order.   Autistic kids (at least speaking from my personal experience and the experience of my sons), not only don’t learn this automatically, we usually have no idea it’s going on at all.   So we speak out of turn, we violated the status of the high ranking kids on the playground.   The reaction usually progresses from shoving, to maybe pi

I'm BAAAACK bitches!!!

  Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher. After all, aren’t blogs pretty much all vanity? Why would I think anyone out there wants to hear what I have to say?   Or is it more important to me just to say it, whether anyone ever listens or not?   I guess the latter, since I am restarting this blog after many years absence.   I’m   AspieDave, and I am autistic. I don’t care about your theories on autism, or whether you think I should just do a bleach enema.   If that’s what I have to do to be “normal” then normal can just sod right off. As far as I’m concerned, I AM normal, for me, and people like me.   Yes, I have a hard time reading other people’s reactions.   I’m better at it than I used to be, but that’s kind of like saying someone can sort of play “Lady of Spain” on an accordion, when before all they could manage was a wheezing cacophony.   I can, or could anyway (more on that later), think faster than most people.   I have a higher percentage ratio of white matter to gray matter