Thomas Wolfe said, “You can’t go home again.” And if you don’t know who that is, go read a book. Actually read a lot of books. Wolfe, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Heinlein, Burroughs, Twain and O. Henry… and those are just SOME of the Americans. Don’t forget to read Dickens, Doyle, Wells, Dumas, Sartre, oh hell I could keep going for a year… I swear, the ignorance today that passes for ‘sophisticated’… Never mind… Where was I? Oh, yeah… Wolfe… going home….you can’t get there from here…but it’s the old same place…..oh, the same old place, it’s out back, I’ll get the key… Sounds like a job for Nick Danger, Third Eye. What? You people don’t know THAT one either? *sigh* Barbarians. Old Wolfie wasn’t talking about going to your parent’s house, even if it is still the same one you grew up in. No, he’s talking about revisiting a part of your life that’s passed into history. You can try, but no ...