I am mourning for a woman I never met. And yet I felt a connection to her, and I don't think I'm alone in that. We were distantly related, some would say so distantly that it is irrelevant, but it made a difference to me. Elizabeth Regina, Second of Her Name... and yes some of my ancestry traces back to the Plantagenets so I was serious about being "family" in a sense. An intelligent woman. A woman of class and probity. A woman who held great power but was delicate in the use of power. A woman with a lively sense of humor and an abiding love for animals. A brave woman who served in wartime, driving ambulances. A woman with an incredibly difficult job and an increasingly disrupted family who nevertheless managed to handle the situation with class. Yes, we all know those things, and we all know who she was and what she did, but why does her passing leave us feeling a bit empty? Perhaps it's because she has always just BEEN...
Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher. After all, aren’t blogs pretty much all vanity? Why would I think anyone out there wants to hear what I have to say? Or is it more important to me just to say it, whether anyone ever listens or not? I guess the latter, since I am restarting this blog after many years absence. I’m AspieDave, and I am autistic. I don’t care about your theories on autism, or whether you think I should just do a bleach enema. If that’s what I have to do to be “normal” then normal can just sod right off. As far as I’m concerned, I AM normal, for me, and people like me. Yes, I have a hard time reading other people’s reactions. I’m better at it than I used to be, but that’s kind of like saying someone can sort of play “Lady of Spain” on an accordion, when before all they could manage was a wheezing cacophony. I can, or could anyway (more on that later), think faster than most people. I have a highe...
I was informed the other day, by my best friend, that I Had Disappointed His Wife. My first reaction, naturally, was DUH…. Human life form, double X sex chromosome, analysis: Female. Conclusion: I Will Be A Disappointment To Her. It is inevitable. It is my Destiny. In fact, I think I may use The Force to do this. How else could I unerringly steer my course to Disappointing Females? Actually, in a way, I felt accepted. I’d finally reached a level with her that I had with almost every other female I’ve ever encountered. I am “A Disappointment”. w00t! I naturally informed my friend that this was inevitable. In fact, disappointing women is something I do very well. I think my response was, I have “an uncanny gift for disappointing women. Practically a superpower.” I realize most males have some ability in this area, but it takes a true artist to maximize their potent...
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