
I was informed the other day, by my best friend, that I Had Disappointed His Wife. 

My first reaction, naturally, was DUH….

Human life form, double X sex chromosome, analysis: Female. 

Conclusion:  I Will Be A Disappointment To Her. 

It is inevitable. 

It is my Destiny.

In fact, I think I may use The Force to do this.  How else could I unerringly steer my course to Disappointing Females?  Actually, in a way, I felt accepted.  I’d finally reached a level with her that I had with almost every other female I’ve ever encountered. 

I am “A Disappointment”.


I naturally informed my friend that this was inevitable.  In fact, disappointing women is something I do very well.  I think my response was, I have “an uncanny gift for disappointing women.  Practically a superpower.”

I realize most males have some ability in this area, but it takes a true artist to maximize their potential.  Practice helps, of course, but even so, without a certain amount of native talent, men can only progress so far.  Aspies, I think, have a certain advantage in this.  We naturally have a talent in pissing people off, usually unintentionally, though when we set our minds to it we can be almost murderously annoying.  A few of us have managed to surpass the “Disappointing to the Masses” and secure our place as True Disappointments.  Some will tell you this is a hollow accomplishment.  I say they are just disappointed in us. 

Oh, any my friend’s wife?  Had excellent cause to be Disappointed in me. 

Of course.

For her?  Only the very best.  After all, she has to put up with my best friend… poor kid. 

Disappointingly Yours
Master Aspie Dave

I thought where appropriate, I would update these old posts.  This one just makes me sad.  I haven't spoken to either of them in about 5 years and at this point I doubt I ever will again.  In fact, if I did see him, I'd probably do something intemperate.  He is now in prison, and I expect he will die there and good riddance.  And yes, that makes me sad.  When you find out someone who was a huge part of your life is a monster, well, let's just say it's a pity the Winchester brothers aren't real...


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